Uninterrupted and infinite labour in platform capitalism

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Viviane Vidigal


This article proposes the idea of ​​uninterrupted and infinite labour as an analytical category to deepen the understanding of the dynamics of dispossession and exploitation of work in platform capitalism. These are workers stripped of a large portion of their labor and social rights who cannot afford to interrupt their working hours and productive trajectories, either because of the lack of remuneration or social security. The conformation of the worker on demand produces an ideal worker, one who is continuously available for work. Infinite work is due to the inexistence of retirement prospects. To build these arguments, empirical data will be presented, collected from semi-structured interviews carried out with platform workers working in the cities of Campinas-SP and São Paulo-SP.

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How to Cite
Vidigal, V. (2021). Uninterrupted and infinite: labour in platform capitalism. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE DIREITO SOCIAL, 4(1), 71–84. Retrieved from https://rbds.emnuvens.com.br/rbds/article/view/148