The principle of equality and its applicability in cases of retirement due to disability in the light of biopsychosocial expertise

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Nadja Pellejero


The chosen theme is part of a qualitative research that seeks to analyze whether or not there is an effective right to retirement for the disabled under the Equity Principle bias, such analysis starts from a focus on the regulation of biopsychosocial expertise, hence Complementary Law no. 142/13 has its effectiveness linked to the proof to the degree of the deficiency, it is aimed, therefore, to problematize as to the practical applicability of this skill, since it is complex and still has a multidisciplinary approach.

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How to Cite
Pellejero, N. (2021). The principle of equality and its applicability in cases of retirement due to disability in the light of biopsychosocial expertise. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE DIREITO SOCIAL, 3(3), 21–35. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Nadja Pellejero, Universidade Católica de Pelotas, UCPEL. Pelotas/RS

Doutoranda em Politica Social e Direitos Humanos no PPGPSDH da UCPel. Mestra em Direito e Justiça Social (FURG) e em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL).